"The Miracle" is a fictional movie based on a true story. Based in the 1980s, the film tells the story of Jun Kyung, the math prodigy high school student. He and his ol...
Witness the most miraculous events in history as Jesus sets sail with fishermen, challenges the Pharisees, befriends the outcasts, and heals the hurting. The lives he t...
John Lithgow stars and Ralph Macchio co-stars as his son. Their uneasy reunion accidentally sparks war-haunted violence, and they share a harrowing fight for survival t...
Freddy the gym teacher has to teach remedial English in summer (high) school, if he wants tenure. As he can only teach gym and his students want fun, emphasis is on "fi...
The Danish tightrope dancer Elvira Madigan meets Lieutenant Sixten Sparre, a Swedish officer who is married and has two children. They both decide to run away.
In the late 90s, a video archivist unearths a series of sinister pirate broadcasts and becomes obsessed with uncovering the dark conspiracy behind them.
Skyler Davenport, Kim Coates, Jessica Parker Kennedy
When blind former skier Sophie cat-sits in a secluded mansion, three thieves invade for the hidden safe. Sophie's only defense is army veteran Kelly. Kelly helps Sophie...
At last the Feds have caught him! Infamous 60's radical Huey Walker is heading for jail. So how come it's Huey's yuptight FBI escort who ends up behind bars?
As a young child, Jeanette witnessed her parents brutal murder. After years in a mental institution, the 22 year old is finally strong enough to leave the asylum and be...
It's the closing night at the last drive-in theatre in America, and manager, Cecil Kaufman's planned to show 4 movies; films so rare, they've never been exhibited publi...
La Soga 2 is a suspenseful thriller and love story, where a former hitman fights to rescue the love of his life, while confronting his inner demons and violent past.
Four sorority sisters reunite at a Black Greek Weekend celebration. But the past comes knocking on their door and strange and inexplicable things begin to happen, threa...
Following two wrestlers intimately for six months is the documentary's way of examining the lifestyle, motivations, intentions and aspirations of sumo wrestlers and als...
Cast members from all "Harry Potter" films reunite in a retrospective special to celebrate the anniversary of the first film, including interviews and cast conversation...
Taylor Russell, Logan Miller, Thomas Cocquerel, Holland Roden
Six people unwittingly find themselves locked in another series of escape rooms, slowly uncovering what they have in common to survive. Joining forces with two of the o...
In the lawless West, The Cowboys, a notorious brotherhood of killers and thieves, reigned over the land with brutal fists and fast guns. Fate had finally caught up with...
Mara and her husband Manoa are both upstanding and religious Israelites living under the harsh and unjust rule of the Philistines. Much to their regret, they have not b...
Looking for jobs, five young friends regularly meet at one's apartment. Judging and gauging one another by their ability to land job pits the friends as also competitor...
Over 40 years since the infamous Zodiac killer terrorised inhabitants of San Francisco and surrounds, three people stumble across homemade films of some of his murders....
Peter Bull, David Meyer, Neil Cunningham, Heathcote Williams
Banished from his grand duchy by the King of Naples and his traitorous brother Sebastian, the Right Duke of Milan and Sorcerer Prospero finds refuge with his daughter M...
Rahul, a middle class boy next door not happy with his lifestyle decides to go to the US and pursue his dreams. Unlike the dreamy US life that people think of, Rahul St...
For over 40 years Ashur Shamis was Colonel Gadaffi's enemy number one in exile with a $1m bounty on his head. His dream of a 'free' Libya almost cost him his life and h...